Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Query

Amongst the rooftops I sit in a query
as to the meaning of life.

A lone flag rustling in the breeze
if only…it’s patriotic call.
A young woman falls
another maintains.

Symbiotic rhythms and waves,
a myriad of quandry,
listening to the quibble of far off folks.

Carolina sun upon my skin
and here I sit once again,
waiting for answers…

Realizing as each day passes,
they’re immersed within…
the very fabric of daily syncopations,
universal oneness, and
the simple, yet profound…

The query, the quandry and the quibble.


  1. love that last line

    and yet every moment you sit and think
    you're living what you seek:)


  2. smiles. i dont fear the questions, they often push me further....nice the setting you set for it...

  3. Gorgeous picture and I loved your poem!
    Especially these lines ...
    *Carolina sun upon my skin
    and here I sit once again
    waiting for answers ...
    Thanks for the kind words on my poem!

    Margie :)

  4. I'll never stop asking the questions...especially the meaning of life...enjoyed visiting Lorely...

  5. Nor shall I Helena... :)

    So simply stated Erin "you're living what you seek," if only I can bottle that and capture it forever

    The setting was simple Brian because it was Sunset Beach North of my favorite places to sit at the beach... is on the rooftops...

    Loved your poem too Margie...easy to be kind to brilliance :)

  6. There's something about the "higher viewpoint" that helps us see "quibbling" as unnecessary (one hopes!) Great poem.
